Research + publications

Below you will find a list of research and publications that illustrate my design process, showcase my skills, and give insight into how I approach problems with design thinking methodologies. 

Pegasystems: How to design for customer experience - Part two

At Pega, designers use design thinking methodologies for Microjourneys™ not only to create an efficient and user-friendly flow, but also to streamline how we collaborate and build experiences as a team.

Adobe: Fostering Design Leadership
The University of Utah’s Multi-Disciplinary Design program has students prototype digital experiences that solve real-world problems faced by Yellowstone National Park, like this distance learning product by Steven Calhoun (yours truly).

Adobe: Yellowstone National Park Distance Learning Platform
University of Utah student Steven Calhoun (yours truly) demonstrates the user flow of his digital product research project, the Yellowstone Forever Learning Portal, created in Adobe XD.

Spark Labs: University of Utah Hospital Recycling
The focus of this lab, lead by design research fellow Steven Calhoun (yours truly), is on the people who experience and deliver health care within the University of Utah hospital system. The lab utilizes the talents and passions of professionals and students to design new solutions that improve patient experience.